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Recent sightings

Recent sightings reported on the website have included 3 x Dabchicks 1 x Grey Heron, Coot (heard) Please do email


Our shed has a new sign thanks to 2 village children!

Pond Dipping Platform

Two weeks ago our new pond dipping platform arrived and is now in place at the lake. It just needs a few plants to grow up around it. We...

Floating Island

One of the projects that was funded by our Calor Rural Communities Grant was the installation of a floating island for birds to nest on....

Boardwalk Handrail

Back in early September a group of socially distanced, mask wearing villagers, met at the lake to help thread the new rope handrail along...

The Forbidden Forest ...

fox runs along the stream at the east end of the lake

Prehistoric horsetails growing at the Lake...

The horsetail (Equisetum) is an ancient genus of plants whose relatives occur as fossils in Carboniferous sedimentary rocks up to 350...

Little grebes hatch out ...

Two little grebes hatched out last week, from their nest in the willow branches in the NW corner of the Lake ... mum watches as they...

First cuckoo ...

First cuckoo heard over towards Lower Mill, on Thurs 16 April ... earlier than last year .... anyone ever managed to get a photo of a...

This week's spottings ....

Little Grebe nest with eggs hidden by leaves, carefully placed by Mrs Grebe .. There she is ...note the rusty brown neck and white spot...


On the evening of 08/04/20 we put out a motion sensor wildlife camera close to the board walk and were delighted to find that a pair of...

Red-Crested Pochard sighting

A pair of Red-Crested Pochards were spotted on 01/04/20 at around 6:15pm! If you have any photos you would like us to share please email...

Sightings Board 18th March to 4th April

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to write what they have seen at the lake on the whiteboard. Don't forget to bring your own...

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Somerford Keynes Village Lake

Welcome to Somerford Keynes Village Lake, this will be used to show wildlife sightings at the lake as well as photographs of sightings and updates on what's going on at the lake. If you have any photos you have taken at the lake that you would like to share, please email them to

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